Meet Raffy.


Based out of Santa Clara, California, Raffy Espiritu is a beloved Silicon Valley troubadour, who writes soulful msuic about love and life in the Silicon Valley. CEO of Impec Group by day and singer/songwriter by night, Raffy can often be found leading IFMA and CoreNet events about technology and facilities, performing at several open mics around the Bay Area, or in his garden on sunny weekends picking figs to make homemade jam. He brings light and laughter to his communities, and his music inspires listeners to find and cherish love and connection in this busy, digital era.


Musician and Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Raffy Espiritu

Raffy’s Communities.


Beloved troubadour and Impec Group CEO, Raffy is actively involved in several communities ranging from workplace and facilities associations to music groups to local hiking circles. For Raffy, work, music and life are not separate activities; rather, they come together in a sweet harmony, influencing and inspiring seemingly separate themes into a cohesive way of life.

Raffy Espiritu and the Impec Group Leadership Team smiling during a Corporate Planning meeting


Raffy is actively involved in several workplace, facilities and technology-related communities in Silicon Valley. Explore more below.


Whether performing his own tunes or cheering along fellow musicians and artists, Raffy can often be found in open mic nights and local performances. Explore Raffy’s music communities below.
